Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Random Trip 09

So I got an email from my good friend Andrew, who is also my landlord (not to many of you can say that). The email said this...

"Question: Would you be able to be drive a VW van from Toronto back to PEI if you got a drive up on Thurs? this is not a rhetorical question..."

So of course, my response was...


So I leave bright and early tomorrow am, and I believe were staying in Mtl Thursday night, and will be getting to Toronto around lunch on Friday. (And if this isn't all random enough, my drive is with the Paper Lions). At which point I meet up with the van man, make the exchange, and then head back east. I've been telling people about this, when most hear what I'm driving back, I seem to get a negative response. Such as "are you traveling with a tow truck??". But I have faith in it, even though we haven't met. Wish me luck, and stay tuned for updates, which will happen during the trip.

ps. This is the beast herself...

1 comment:

  1. This was a year ago....pretty soon this thing will go 'vrrooom' once again!

    I think i'm starting it this Wed!
