Monday, September 28, 2009

Random Trip 09 *Fail Update*

Hello all. So the trip took a southern turn. I left Montreal around 4 Saturday evening. The plan was to drive until I was Either too tired to drive, then go to sleep. OR. Make it to Fredericton and stay with a friend. However, judging by the time line of the Toronto-Montreal trip, it was going to take me 16 hours to get to Fredericton, And a full 24 hours of driving from Montreal-PEI. UGH. So anyways, I leave Montreal, drive about 20 minutes, and during this time I notice the van has much less power than the previous day. Not that it was a rocket ship to begin with, but this was bad. It got to the point where I was endangering others I was going so slow on the highway. So I pulled over to gather my thoughts, when a flatbed rips up in front of me, backs up to the front of the van, and jumps out. He's about to hook it up when I jump out, and explain I wasn't quite broke down yet, so he carried on. Well anyways, I'll cut to the chase. After much messing around and realizing that the van is not going to make it home (this year), the plan was then to leave the van at a garage, and get a cab back into the city to my friend Sean's house. I would get a drive back with Rob, John, David, and Colin of the Paper Lions early Sunday morning. ( So I'm talking to Andrew on the phone, and I'm parked in what I assume is some small town outside Montreal. Andrew is checking on google maps to see how many kms it was from my exact location, into Sean's so I know how much a cab is going to cost. Now I had been gone about 4 hours at this point, rambling down the highway, then snaking through back roads, then searching for a garage, or even a wharf at this point. So I'm thinking, I must be at least 100kms from Sean's, at LEAST, this cab is going to cost a fair buck. Then Andrew starts laughing, and I'm like, what's so funny. What could possibly be so funny at this point in our lives Andrew.....what? And Andrew says, "Well Spencer, according to this, you are 15kms from Sean's house. I had to laugh, it was just too ridiculous to not laugh. I guess in all my back roads, and turning slightly back to find a garage, I had managed to almost come full circle. So I told him I could manage to get the van the 15km journey, for the sake of leaving the van somewhere and getting a cab. So the van is now parked in front of Sean's house, I'm sitting on my couch in Charlottetown, and there are at least 3 plans in the works to get this thing home. So I think things will turn out well in the end. And to all the people who told me it wouldn't make it.....shut it. haha.

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