Saturday, September 26, 2009

Random Trip 09 *Update*

So I'm currently sitting at Sean's apartment in MTL. We drove here thursday, and got in around 9pm or so. Then we hit the road yesterday morning and got to Toronto. Met the guy with the van around 4pm, bought the van, and then left to head back to MTL around 4:30. According to google maps, it's about a 6 hour drive from Toronto to MTL. Now I knew this van wasn't fast, but I did not think it would take me ELEVEN HOURS. I rolled into MTL at 3:30am, and had a much needed sleep. Woke up, hung out with Sean, got a Burrito, and am now getting ready to hit the road. I don't really have a destination in mind as of yet, so we will see how far the van gets me today.

Cruising along at about 80 on the 401.

Nice sky on the go

In the van (not the slow one) on the way to MTL from PEI.

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