Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chris & Amy

So Chris called me up last week and told me he was taking his better half Amy, out for a Valentines dinner. He mentioned Amy had been wanting to get some couples photos taken soon as well. So he surprised her with a surprise photo shoot before their dinner today. How maaaantic.

Vday Cookies With Alice & Madison

I came home to a small Bakery set up in the kitchen today. My sister Alice and Niece Madison were making Valentines Day Cookies, Which were delish.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sullivan James Stretch

Meet Sullie! Congrats to Jared and Madeline!


This is Avary. Her Mom is one of my bestest friends, so I was very much looking forward to taking her photo. She is cute as can be, and can be a little goofy at times. I am not sure where she gets that though..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Back On Red Soil

Hello Everyone. I am officially living back on PEI now. And I'm glad to be in a place where you can ask a random person how there day is going, and get an answer instead of a weird look. Things have been quiet on the Photo front but hopefully that picks up. Here are some photos I've taken around the house in the last week or so. More updates soon!

Self Portrait:


