Sunday, December 19, 2010

Abbey's Shoot

I took some photos of little Miss Abbey today!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Grad Photoz

I know it may seem early, but lets show mommy and daddy how responsible we all are. I am currently located in the Waterloo, Ont area. However I will be in PEI from Dec 23rd until Jan 6th. On one of those days I plan to rent a studio. So If there is anyone on the Island that would like some Grad Photos, Or even a few nice portraits, Get in contact with me asap.

Rob and Deezy Tackle Ont.

This is not photo related. But, This is an edit I made of a weekend visit with my good bud Rob. We rode some local skateparks, and managed to get enough clips to throw this together. Enjoy!

Tackling Ont. With Rob n Deezy from spencer birt on Vimeo.

All Is Quiet On the Loo Front

So as you can see I have not posted anything these past few months. I am now settled in Waterloo Ont, and working 52-54 hours a week at a tireshop. Because of the long hours, I have not had much time to shoot anything. However, Due to these hours, the low pay, and the overall undesirable work. I plan to find something else in the new year. Where I can actually get some shooting done, as well as work at a job where I don't have to use the letters FML several times a day. Cheers to the new year!