Sunday, December 19, 2010

Abbey's Shoot

I took some photos of little Miss Abbey today!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Grad Photoz

I know it may seem early, but lets show mommy and daddy how responsible we all are. I am currently located in the Waterloo, Ont area. However I will be in PEI from Dec 23rd until Jan 6th. On one of those days I plan to rent a studio. So If there is anyone on the Island that would like some Grad Photos, Or even a few nice portraits, Get in contact with me asap.

Rob and Deezy Tackle Ont.

This is not photo related. But, This is an edit I made of a weekend visit with my good bud Rob. We rode some local skateparks, and managed to get enough clips to throw this together. Enjoy!

Tackling Ont. With Rob n Deezy from spencer birt on Vimeo.

All Is Quiet On the Loo Front

So as you can see I have not posted anything these past few months. I am now settled in Waterloo Ont, and working 52-54 hours a week at a tireshop. Because of the long hours, I have not had much time to shoot anything. However, Due to these hours, the low pay, and the overall undesirable work. I plan to find something else in the new year. Where I can actually get some shooting done, as well as work at a job where I don't have to use the letters FML several times a day. Cheers to the new year!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Greg Flag

I'm currently in the middle of moving to Waterloo. Staying a few nights in Montreal with my friends Sean and Greg. Greg rides for Macneil Bmx, and recieved a new frame this morning. So we decided to snap some photos while it was nice and fresh.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scott Mackay

Last week me and Scott went for a drive and shot some photos. Scott was getting some promotional shots taken as he has is currently writing more songs, and has plans to record an album in the near future. So keep your eyes peeled. Until then you can check him out via Youtube.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I shot some photos last week with my good friend Marilyn. I always wanted to shoot a photo against this teal colored house I walk/bike/drive by almost daily. So I was glad to get that done, and very happy with how it turned out.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Brianna & Joey

I had a great shoot with some good friends last week. Can't complain about a job that involves you hanging out on a beach on a beautiful evening. No sir.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Derek Hughs

Me and Derek have been talking about doing this shoot for literally over a year now. This morning we decided enough was enough. We hit the road after work this evening, then back to my place and got some nice shots.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ontario Bound

Hello Folks. Most of you know this but some may not. I am moving to Ontario at the end of August. So I decided I would like to have a sale before I make the big move to get as much new work as possible. So I will be giving 25% off ALL my work until the end of August. So if you were on the fence, now is the time. Thanks to all of you who I worked with over the years, it was a pleasure doing business with you.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Emily & Donald

Last weekend I had the opportunity to shoot Emily & Donald's wedding. The wedding was very nice, Possibly my favorite wedding I have shot. Here are a few of the photos I captured on that nice sunny day.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pothole 3000

So While working the other day I noticed 3-4 Ferraris drive by over the course of the day. I later found out there was a crew of supercars on the Island. Not sure why, or how they managed to get past the roadwork. But I managed to track down where they were staying and got some quick photos.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox

About a month ago I spotted a fox in my backyard. Which is kind of odd because There usually aren't too many foxes this far in town. My neighbor also feeds pigeons and crows, which is also odd, and slightly annoying. Well, Long story short, there are more foxes and less pigeons around these days. About 4-5 days a week when I arrive home, there is a fox hanging out in either my yard, or the neighbors yard. Yesterday I was quick enough to snag a photo of this guy. He is doing pretty good at looking innocent, but a closer inspection shows a small pigeon feather hanging from his mouth. Busted.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sun A Shinin'

I had the day off today, and it just so happened to be beautiful out. 20 and sunny, and the sky couldn't have been much more blue. I took advantage of this and went on a lengthy bike ride. Snapped a quick pic with the cell phone.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chris Dalziel

I had a shoot this morning with my buddy Chris. He is working on an album which he hopes to release this fall, so keep your eyes peeled for it. But until then you can check him out here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Skratch Bastid

I had the opportunity to shoot Mr.Skratch Bastid the other night. Anyone who knows me, knows I love the Bastid. So, it was nice to finally take a break from grooving (even though I totally didn't) to get some shots of this guy. This is some of what I produced.