Saturday, August 22, 2009

Canada Games Crit

These are a few shots from the race last night, PEI boys did a great job.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ricoh Mirai (test shots)

These are three photos from the role of film I fired through today wile testing out the new (to me) camera.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ricoh Mirai

I seen an ad online for this camera and it caught my eye. Seemed very unique, so I went to check it out today and ended up taking it home. It's a Ricoh Mirai, made in 1988, and it's in great shape. It also came with some accessories, which you can check out below. Stay tuned for results of the first roll.

More info on camera -

And the original ad. -

Sunday, August 2, 2009

New Shoes

I got some fresh kicks the other day. I wanted to get some shots of them before I wore them, took a few days but I got it done this evening. So now they can get some fresh air, sort of.

Kristina and Danny

This is a little sneak peak of the wedding I did yesterday. I had a great day with these two great people, and I wish them all the best!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I went to Baba's Lounge last night to check out a few bands. Among them was Supercar, which is my good friend Andrew's band. It was a reunion show, and they hadn't played in the past five years. Needless to say it was a great time.